Katheryne Pugliese, M.A., M.Phil.
My research spans many topics and utilizes a range of methods. If there is anything you wish to read further please contact me!
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Pugliese, K. & Mellow, J. (2024). A Process Evaluation of the Village of Hope Transitional Housing Program in Bridgeton, New Jersey. Corrections: Policy, Practice, Research. Manuscript submitted for publication.
Village of Hope is the first "tiny home" program designed for previously incarcerated individuals. The program provides participants with autonomous housing intended to connect individuals with services and promote community engagement during the unstable reentry period. This publication examines the planning, design, and implementation of Village of Hope speaking with program stakeholders and residents.
Pugliese, K., Kazemian, L., & Piquero, A. (2024). Women and Social Bonds during the Desistance Process. In L. Browning, C. Butler & C. L. Jonson (Eds.), Gender and Crime: Contemporary Theoretical Perspectives. Routledge.
Criminal justice research has largely relied on male samples when examining criminal behavior. This publication evaluates the key themes and trends in research that analyze women who commit crime. Specifically, it outlines gender-based differences of desistance or the gradual process of giving up criminal behavior.
Butts, J., Roman, J. & Pugliese, K. (2023). Evidence-Oriented Youth Justice. In B. Welsh, S. Zane & D. Mears (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Evidence-Based Crime & Justice Policy. Oxford University Press.
Building interventions with rigorous evidence is an important and valuable goal for youth justice, but it must be an ongoing process. This chapter examines the challenges of producing "evidence-based" research for youth justice programs and proposes a framework for evidence-oriented research that gives space for effective programs while also developing innovative and promising approaches to be tested by future evaluations.
Logie, K., Pugliese, K., & Acevedo, A. (2023). An examination of harm reduction strategies in Oxycodone and Adderall buyer feedback on AlphaBay. Criminology & Public Policy, 22(4), 695-733. https://doi.org/10.1111/1745-9133.12652
The increase in drug purchasing on darknet marketplaces has introduced a new platform for harm reduction strategies to unfold. This study examines the use of harm reduction strategies utilized by darknet administrators and among drug vendors and buyers. It is one of the first studies to utilize buyer feedback messages to assess harm reduction strategies on the darknet.
Pugliese, K., Odér, P., Hudson, T., & Butts, J. (2022). Community Violence Intervention at the
Roots (CVI–R) — Building Evidence for Grassroots Community Violence Prevention. New
York, NY: Research and Evaluation Center, John Jay College of Criminal Justice, City
University of New York.
The crime and justice field recently started to label a wide array of violence prevention strategies as Community Violence Interventions (or CVI). Many of these strategies depend on law enforcement and social services, but the most innovative approaches are community-centered and community-sourced. This report examines the current state of statistical evidence for grassroots community violence programs. It also serves as a tool for practitioners to better understand statistical research evaluations.
Galleguillos, S., & Pugliese, K. (2022). The United Nations Victim Approach Revisited: A Review of the Literature on Sexual Assault and Gender-Based Violence Hotlines. Violence Against Women, 28(8), 1858–1872. https://doi.org/10.1177/10778012221086001
In 1985, the United Nations General Assembly adopted the Principles of Justice for Victims of Crime and Abuse of Power, to protect and promote victim rights when navigating the criminal justice system. Today, technology, such as online and telephone hotlines, are changing how victims seek and receive support. This review outlines where and how international initiatives can practically address complex experiences that shape how victims of violence (VOV) interact with criminal justice settings.
Koetzle, D., Mellow, J., Piñol, D. & Pugliese, K. (2021). A Practical Guide to Youth Risk and Need Assessments in Latin American and the Caribbean. Washington, DC: American Institutes for Research & John Jay College of Criminal Justice. Available at: https://www.air.org/resource/guidetoolkit/practical-guide-youth-risk-and-need-assessments-latin
This guide is designed for people who work with criminal justice or juvenile justice-involved youth, including police, judges, correctional personnel, treatment providers, and those working in tertiary prevention programs. The focus of this guide is on tools that help to assess and manage the risk of future delinquency and criminal behavior, including violent behaviors. This guide was designed specifically for practitioners in LATAM, offering examples of instruments developed to address the cultural context of each area.
Koetzle, D., Mellow, J., Piñol, D. & Pugliese, K. (2021). Guía práctica para la evaluación de riesgos y necesidades de los jóvenes en América Latina y el Caribe. Washington, DC: American Institutes for Research & John Jay College of Criminal Justice. Available at: https://www.air.org/resource/guidetoolkit/en-espanol-guia-practica-de-evaluaciones-de-riesgos-y-necesidades-para
Esta guía fue diseñada para personas que trabajan en el área de justicia penal o con jóvenes involucrados con el sistema de justicia, incluyendo la policía, jueces, personal penitenciario, proveedores de servicios de atención y tratamiento, y aquellas personas que trabajan con programas de prevención terciaria. El enfoque de esta guía son las herramientas que ayudan a evaluar y controlar el riesgo de futuro comportamiento delincuencial y criminal, incluyendo comportamientos violentos.
Pugliese, K. (2019). Análisis de las representaciones políticas en la controversia de la Organización de los Trabajadores Sexuales (OTRAS) en Twitter. [Unpublished master’s thesis]. Universidad Complutense de Madrid.
In 2018 a request to start a labor union for sex workers (OTRAS) in Spain was denied by the Prime Minister of Spain stating that sex work reinforces gender exploitation and abuse. This study examines the political controversy that unfolds following this statement specifically examining Twitter posts, hashtags, and statements from key advocacy leaders.